Top Cybersecurity Services to Think About in 2019

Every year, managed security service providers (MSSPs) like to make projections about trends in cybersecurity threats—in fact, we did so last year. This year, however, instead of focusing on the problems, the Compuquip team thought that it might help to focus on the managed security services that keep businesses secure from cyber threats.

To this end, here is a quick list of cybersecurity services that organizations of all sizes can benefit from in 2019:

Virtual CISO Services

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is a critical role in many large companies. Virtual CISO services help companies of all sizes coordinate their cybersecurity and threat management strategies. The benefits of virtual CISO services include:

  • Instant Access to a Team of Cybersecurity Experts. Virtual CISO services are usually carried out by a team of managed security experts rather than a single individual. This helps to ensure a broad knowledge base for cybersecurity issues and threat management.

  • Close Monitoring of Cybersecurity Needs. With the workload being distributed across a large team of people, an organization’s cybersecurity status can be monitored much more closely than it could be by any individual CISO working alone.

  • Improved Threat Intelligence. Because virtual CISO teams are a part of a dedicated MSSP organization, they often have access to a variety of threat intelligence feeds that lone CISOs may lack. Also, they can apply lessons learned from other businesses in an industry to all of their customers.

  • Cost Reductions for CISO Services. Hiring an internal CISO is extraordinarily expensive for any organization. Between recruitment costs, salary, benefits, insurance, and ongoing training (because threats are constantly evolving), the total cost of a single C-level cybersecurity expert can be astronomical. Because virtual CISOs distribute their costs among many customers, the price for adding such services can be far lower—even though they include multiple cybersecurity experts.

Co-Managed SIEM Services

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) software can play a critical role in threat management by providing early warning for a cyber attack and for gathering forensic data after the fact. However, even the best SIEM solutions can be difficult to manage because of the sheer amount of information they collect and present to the user.

Experienced MSSPs can help organizations of all sizes manage their SIEM solutions to restrict the data flow from an overwhelming sea of noise to a small but steady stream of truly important notifications.

These co-managed SIEM services help organizations to:

  • Keep their internal IT security people in the loop;
  • Reduce the overall workload for threat management; and
  • Provide training to help their internal teams master their SIEM solutions.

Co-managed SIEM can prove to be a critical cybersecurity service because it helps organizations of all sizes manage their security threats.

Security Device Management

Another critical security service to consider for 2019 is security device management. While cybersecurity is not a device, many devices are needed to provide adequate protection for a business network.

Managed services for an organization’s security devices help to ensure that:

  1. The devices in place are providing the optimum protection for the network;
  2. Conflicts from different security devices are resolved so as to minimize the impact on network (and thus business workflow) performance; and
  3. Unnecessary or obsolete devices are removed from the network so as to minimize resource drain while optimizing overall protection.

This may mean adding new security devices to a network to replace existing ones with more efficient solutions, or finding alternatives when the developer of a security solution stops supporting it.

By leveraging their extensive experience and networks of contacts in the cybersecurity industry, managed security service providers such as Compuquip can help make the process of upgrading an organization’s cybersecurity measures nearly seamless.

Penetration Testing

While not a new managed security service by any means, penetration testing remains important to organizations of all sizes. Why? Because, to this day, it remains one of the most reliable ways for an organization to identify unknown vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity architecture.

Any list of cybersecurity services would simply be incomplete without penetration testing to check for hidden bugs and security gaps. By detecting these security flaws before malicious actors can use them, companies have a chance to close the gap and protect themselves from embarrassing, and costly, cybersecurity breaches.

These are just a few of the notable cybersecurity services that organizations of any size can benefit from moving forward into 2019. For more information about Compuquip’s managed security services, please reach out to a member of our team today!

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