What Types of Managed Security Services Do I Need?

The most frequently asked questions that the Compuquip team fields are: “What kinds of managed security services do you provide?” and “What types of managed security services do I need?” Using a managed security service provider (MSSP) can help a business meet its cybersecurity objectives, but not all managed security services are the same. There are different types of managed services for security that can be applied for different needs—and one managed services model might be more valuable for one company than it is for another.

To help you identify the best types of managed security services for your needs, here are a few brief descriptions of different managed security services and what they can do:

SIEM Co-Management

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are incredibly powerful data collection tools that record enormous amounts of data regarding network traffic and security incidents. However, SIEM systems also generate a lot of “noise,” or unrelated and irrelevant data that does not serve a purpose.

Many of the top managed security service providers offer a co-managed SIEM service where they manage key aspects of the SIEM system to reduce the workload on your own internal IT security team. Instead of replacing your team, the co-managed services model for SIEM has the MSSP working alongside your team to provide training and insight so they can sift through the noise generated by the SIEM tool and remain apprised of important events.

Managed Security Services for Network Architecture Maintenance

Another key service provided by managed security service providers is the management of your network security architecture. This includes a variety of smaller services, such as checking the network’s cybersecurity architecture, verifying that the latest security patches have been applied to your business’ software, filing security status reports for your review, and providing recommendations for future actions to protect your network.

This helps you stay in the proverbial “loop” regarding the state your organization’s cybersecurity architecture even as the managed security service provider works to improve your security.

Onsite Cybersecurity Services and Staff Augmentation

Some managed security companies offer the ability to temporarily staff their own personnel at your company to take over key cybersecurity tasks and augment your staff. This is often useful when you’re trying to implement a new security measure, or when a key member of your network security team is unavailable due to illness or vacation.

Filling gaps in your cybersecurity team with this managed services model can help ensure some stability during a transitional period. However, it is often subject to availability based on where your company is located and whether the managed security service provider has enough staff free to dispatch personnel to your location. So, when approaching an MSSP, it’s important to ask if onsite staff augmentation is one of the types of security services that they offer, and what the availability restrictions are.

Managed Security Services for Threat Detection and Alerts

Virtually every managed security service provider should offer some form of network threat detection and alerts—otherwise, what’s the point of partnering with an MSSP? Where your MSSP might vary from others in the specific types of managed services they use to provide threat detection and alert you to cybersecurity issues.

Some managed services models might use intrusion detection systems (IDSs), others use SIEM, and a few even automate their security incident response with intrusion prevention systems (IPSs). When vetting an MSSP, be sure to ask them how they plan to detect threats on your network and what their service level agreements (SLAs) will be for notifying you of detected threats.

Some MSSPs may take a proactive approach to threat detection by using threat intelligence feeds to monitor new and emerging cyber threats before they target your business. Additionally, managed security service providers will often apply lessons they learn from their other customers to your cybersecurity architecture, so you can benefit from their firsthand experience.

Co-Management of Security Endpoints

Of the different types of managed security services, endpoint security co-management is becoming increasingly common. Using this managed security services model, the MSSP will help your organization manage all of the endpoint devices on your network to ensure a consistently strong attack surface.

This often involves applying the latest security patches, identifying unknown assets on the network, and making recommendations for when replacing an asset (or the software on it) may be necessary for cybersecurity reasons.

With so many different types of managed security services and service providers on the market, how can you choose the best managed security service model for your needs? It helps to look for an MSSP with a broad range of experience in the cybersecurity industry and a proven track record of helping keep companies safe from cyber threats.

Want to learn more about the different types of managed security services that Compuquip provides? Reach out to the Compuquip team to discuss your cybersecurity needs.


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