Featured Partner



Strengthening Cyber Defenses with
Stellar Cyber & Compuquip

Stellar Cyber simplifies data onboarding and management, ensuring you have the essential data to identify threats and lay the foundation for a successful security program. Discover how easy we make it.

Stellar Cyber revolutionizes the handling of alerts and incidents, recognizing that manual investigation is no longer feasible. Experience how Stellar Cyber enhances the speed and efficiency of working with alerts and incidents.

Stellar Cyber automates threat hunting and response, addressing the threats you can't see, which are often the most harmful. Learn how Stellar Cyber's automation transforms threat detection and response.


Experience the future of cybersecurity with Open XDR by Stellar Cyber

Handling alerts and incidents manually is outdated. Open XDR by Stellar Cyber revolutionizes this process, enhancing the speed and efficiency of managing alerts and incidents, allowing your team to focus on what matters most—protection.

Invisible threats are often the most harmful. Open XDR by Stellar Cyber automates threat hunting and response, transforming threat detection and mitigation. Discover how Stellar Cyber’s automation keeps your security operations ahead of emerging threats.


Open XDR

Experience the future of security operations with Open XDR by Stellar—a revolutionary platform designed to unify, simplify, and automate security operations for the next generation. Our advanced solution streamlines the complexities of security management, offering an integrated approach that enhances efficiency and effectiveness. Say goodbye to the limitations of legacy SIEMs as Open XDR fulfills promises left unmet by outdated systems, providing a cutting-edge approach to threat detection and response. With Network Detection and Response (NDR) capabilities, we simplify the process of identifying and swiftly reacting to network threats, ensuring your organization stays one step ahead of cyber adversaries. Plus, leverage the benefits of Extended Detection and Response (XDR) seamlessly with Stellars "Bring Your Own EDR"  feature, empowering you to harness the power of XDR without the need to switch from your existing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution. Experience the future of cybersecurity with Open XDR.


Managed SOC + Stellar Cyber

Utilizing a robust platform like Open XDR by Stellar Cyber can be challenging for your internal team to fully leverage.

Our SOC team, comprised of Open XDR, can take this load off your organization’s IT department, enabling them to concentrate on your company’s core business while we manage the day-to-day cybersecurity operations. The benefits of our Co-Managed solution include:


Intelligent Multi-Tenancy Strategy


Flexible Data Sourcing Framework


Sensor-Driven Data Collection Methodology


Simplified Customization Process


Machine Learning Correlation Technique


Unified Platform and Licensing Approach

Contact Us

Are you interested in transforming your cybersecurity through Stellar Cyber and Compuquip?

We’re here to answer your questions or help get you started! Connect with one of our SIEM experts today.

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